Silvio Bellino ISSPD Congress 2023

Silvio Bellino

Silvio Bellino was born in Turin, Italy, on 27 April 1965. He graduated at the University of Turin in 1990/91 and specialized in Psychiatry in 1995/96. He became Researcher of Psychiatry at the Department of Neuroscience in October 2001 and was charged of the Centre for Personality Disorders in January 2007. He is Associate Professor of Psychiatry from July 2015. He teaches psychiatry at the School of Medicine and at Schools of Medical Specialization of the University of Turin. His studies were focused on clinics and pharmacotherapy of personality disorders, mood and anxiety disorders, and on interpersonal psychotherapy of major depression and personality disorders. He presented the results in Italian and international congresses and published many articles in Italian and international indexed journals. He was Editor in Chief of Current Psychopharmacology and President of the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy.

Abstracts this author is presenting: