Tuesday, 31st October ISSPD Congress 2023

8:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday, 31st October
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A full day focused on the lived experience. If you are living with the disorder, are a person supporting them, a clinician or a researcher, this is a must attend workshop. Attendees will leave the day with proven strategies, the latest information, support and tangible skills they can use immediately. Hear from both Australian and International speakers at this very powerful and informative event.

8am - Registration Opens

8:30am - Official Opening, Lynn Courey, Sashbear & Meagan Henderson, NEABPD Australia

8:40am - Presidents Welcome, Giles Newton-Howes, President ISSPD

8:50am - Keynote, Early intervention of Personality Disorder, Louise McCutcheon, Orygen

9:55am - Morning Tea Break

10:10am - Presentation, Promoting hope through lived experience, Sophie Lucas, Project Air

10:50amPresentationBuilding Trust and Connections with strategies, skills and hope, Mike Menu & Doreen Hyndman, Sashbear

11:45amQ&A with Speakers

12noon - Lunch Break

1pm - PresentationThe impact of substance abuse within PD, Eddie Mullen, Orygen

1:45pm Panel SessionPerspectives on peer support for recovery for both lived experience and carers, Chair: Andrew Chanen

2:30pm - Afternoon Tea Break

2:45pm - Mindfulness exercise

3pm - Keynote, Mentalizing: What it is and how to do it, Carla Sharp, University of Houston

4:10pm Q&A with Speakers

4:30pm - Closing Remarks, Reasons for hope, President-Elect, Brin Grenyer

5pm - Networking Reception