Louise McCutcheon ISSPD Congress 2023

Louise McCutcheon

Dr Louise McCutcheon is a clinical psychologist and is an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne. She coordinates the Orygen clinical training team, and is an accredited cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) practitioner, supervisor and trainer. Louise jointly founded the award-winning Helping Young People Early (HYPE) program in 2000, an early intervention program for severe personality disorder in young people. She has extensive clinical experience working with young people with complex and severe mental health difficulties. She established the HYPE service development and training program, which works with mental health services to implement early intervention for personality disorder initiatives. She lectures and teaches both nationally and internationally, and developed the first CAT training program in Australia. She is the founding chair of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ANZACAT) and is current chair of the International Cognitive Analytic Therapy Association (ICATA). She is also on the executive of the Australasian Association of Research and Treatment for Personality Disorders (AART-PD).

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