Workshop ISSPD Congress 2023

Clinical skills for working with young people with self-harm, suicidal ideation, complex trauma and personality disorder features: Project Air Strategy  (19184)

Brin Grenyer 1
  1. University of Wollongong, University Of Wollongong, NSW, Australia

This workshop will focus on the key relationship issues and practical skills to use in working with young people with emerging complex mental health challenges. Deep understanding of the development of complex mental health issues, including the role of temperament, attachment, environment, trauma, parenting and genetics will be considered, along with a review of the evidence based approaches and the underlying common core mechanisms of action of psychotherapies. Taking these findings leads to an overview of discoveries from the Project Air Strategy whole of school and comprehensive stepped-care early intervention approach to working with young people. The workshop will use videotaped case study presentation and discussion and include skills in applying a relational model approach to engagement, assessment, formulation, intervention, evidence-based practice and risk management. The workshop will provide access to manuals, factsheets, worksheets and other resources. A consideration of transference - countertransference dillemas, and how to enhance reflective practice and self-care will be discussed.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this workshop, participants will:
- Have an orientation to manualised tools and techniques, and how to apply them in the child, adolescent and young person context
- Strengthen skills in assessment and treatment based on core principles from research
- Increase their confidence and willingness to use both in-session and consultation-to-school and family strategies to improve outcomes
- Understand further some common challenges in the client-therapist relationship and process issues in therapy.