Elsa Ronningstam ISSPD Congress 2023

Elsa Ronningstam

Elsa Ronningstam, Ph.D is an Associate Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School and a psychologist at McLean Hospital affiliated to the Gunderson Outpatient Program specialized in treatment of personality disorders. She is a psychoanalyst and a member of the Faculty of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, BPSI and teaches in the Advanced Training Program in Psychotherapy and in the Exploration in Mind Program. She is also a longstanding member of the Boston Suicide Study Group which focuses on the psychodynamic understanding and treatment of suicidality. As the former President of the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, ISSPD she has supported cross-cultural and international perspectives on personality functions and disorders. Over the past 25 years she chaired symposia, and presented and taught in numerous conferences and courses specifically on narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder. She has also over 100 publications on this and related topics.

Abstracts this author is presenting: